sanguinaccio is a software that simulates a little community of individuals, in the little space of this window. each individual is represented by a circle. color of each circle can be thought of as the species, or dna, of the individual. individuals react with each other accordingly to their colors: those of the same color can be attracted each other, or repulsed. and viceversa. the size of circles represents the energy of the individual: to live he cosumes energy, so his size reduces, unless he can get new energy from attractors, so his size grows. if size grows over a certain limit, the individual uses half of his energy to clonate a new individual, that will inheritate a similar color from his parent. individuals die if they terminate energy.pauserestartmetabolism this is a ratio between capacity to grow and capacity to move. a high metabolism means individuals assume and cosume energy more quickly than they move: their life is shorter. a low metabolism means individuals move faster than than they assume and consume energy: their life is longer.trails check to show trails: every time an individual dies, a cross is drawn on the background. while population evolves, these crosses create trails that are the history, the past of the population.
show only individuals show trails under individuals show only trails
initial population number of individuals to start with. this mainly affects cpu load.initial distribution how individuals are placed in the space at start of simulation. they can be placed randomly (caos), or ordered by color along a line.
number of attractors attractors are big grey circles and act as renewable energy sources, that is they naturally increase their size during time. when an individual collides an attractor, he gets energy from it, so individual gets bigger and attractor gets smaller. if size of an attractor drops below a minimum limit, attractor dies. attractors are placed and sized randomly.
max frames per second actual fps depends on cpu power. this is only a limit so that, if your cpu is capable of reach it, it won't surpass it. consider to lower this to preserve cpu.